Garlock® is a global manufacturer of high-performance sealing solutions with an emphasis on safety, longevity, and productivity. We stock spools and fabricate/cut v-coil in house ( we also stock solid V-packing ). We can do V-packing’s sets up to 100″ id, We carry .500″ cross sections and up ( most common cross sections ). Our males and females are Garlock® 432 material and our vee’s are 435. Below you will see specs of each material. Our shelf’s will be stocked with those materials above but we also can have rock hard adapters made to your size.
Garlock’s hydraulic v-ring packing is constructed of custom-made rubber compounds and polymers shaped in Chevron® design, to give you the best sealing and longest lasting products. Style 432 is Garlocks performance grade medium hardness Nitrile (NBR) rubber reinforced with cotton fabric and in the most popular style for use in water and oil.
Features and Benefits:
- Pressure activated center sealing rings flare open under pressure creating a tight seal and minimizing leakage
- Center v-rings hold rod lubrication to extend the life of the packing
- Reliable, long lasting performance giving you peace of mind and more uptime
Typical Applications:
- Non-abrasive water and oil applications
- Pressures from 500-2,500psi (add 260/261RH adaptors to increase pressure rating)
- Speeds up to 100FPM
Media Use:
- Water
- Hydraulic Oil
- Water Gylcol
- Water in Oil
- Hydrocarbons
- Aliphatic Solutions
- Air
Industries Served:
- Chemical Processing
- Mining
- Nuclear
- Oil and Gas
- Power Generation
- Primary Metals
- Pulp and Paper
- Water and Waste Water

Features and Benefits:
- Pressure activated center sealing rings flare open under pressure creating a tight seal and minimizing leakage
- Center v-rings hold rod lubrication to extend the life of the packing
- Reliable, long lasting performance giving you peace of mind and more uptime
- Soft packing conforms to worn and uneven surfaces
Typical Applications:
- Non-abrasive water and oil applications
- Pressures from 500-2,500psi (add 260/261RH adaptors to increase pressure rating)
- Speeds up to 100FPM
Media Use:
- Water
- Hydraulic Oil
- Water Gylcol
- Water in Oil
- Hydrocarbons
- Aliphatic Solutions
- Air
Industries Served:
- Chemical Processing
- Mining
- Nuclear
- Oil and Gas
- Power Generation
- Primary Metals
- Pulp and Paper
- Water and Waste Water